Step by step

The checkmark "✓" in the list indicates that the consumer has set a referrer or angel investor. "Member" shows whether the consumer is a member.

The list will automatically sync Shopify customer list data whenever there is an update to consumer data. If the administrator notices that the consumers in the list are inconsistent with the customer list, they can click "Sync" in the upper right corner to trigger a manual sync.

When a member recommends someone else who makes a purchase, the member will receive 20% of the referred person's purchase amount as reward points during the 6-month valid referral period. The following conditions apply:

  • Points are calculated based on a 1:1 conversion to Australian dollars.

  • When a purchase occurs, the points are calculated and recorded as "Pending" in the referrer's transaction history. Pending points cannot be redeemed. After 30 days, Pending points will become valid points. If any part of the order is refunded within 30 days, the corresponding points will be reduced (recorded as "Invalid"). After the 30-day period, the valid points will be calculated by subtracting the Invalid points from the Pending points.

  • When points are redeemed for coupons, the point balance will decrease accordingly.

  • In cases involving partial refunds, points are calculated using standard rounding rules for decimal values.

  • To account for administrator errors (such as incorrect entries for referrer and referred person relationships), if the relationship is deleted or changed, the 6-month reward points calculation will be recalculated. Points already granted in the past will not be adjusted. Pending points are considered as already incurred and will be converted into valid points after the 30-day delay.

  • Administrators can manually adjust a consumer's points, choosing to increase or decrease points and decide whether to notify the consumer (with an explanation), though the default is not to notify the consumer.

This list displays all the angel investors. Unlike other pages, angel investors must be added by an administrator from the user list. Only after being added as an angel investor will the QV0 plugin mark them and allow other consumers to select them as their angel investor.

Angel investors enjoy a lifetime reward of 20% of their followers' spending as points. If a follower has a referrer, the first 6 months of reward points will go to the referrer. After the 6-month referral period expires, the reward points will automatically be allocated to the angel investor.

The follower list under an angel investor shows all the followers associated with that angel investor. The angel investor relationship is valid for life (set to 100 years by the QV0 system). The "Associated" field displays the date when the relationship was established.

Last updated